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'*' indicates required fields.
Sunset Market Employment Application
For what position are you applying?*   
For which market area are you applying?*   
Personal Information
Full legal name*   
Street address*   
Telephone number ex(999)999-9999*   
Have you ever worked at Sunset Market before?
If so, when?  ex (01/01/00)
Have you ever applied at Sunset Market before?
If so, when? (ex 01/01/00)
Can present employer be contacted?
Do you have reliable transportation?
Were you referred by a Sunset Market employee?
If so, whom?
Desired starting pay ($)*   
How many hours per week do you want to work?
When apply for store position, check areas of town you are willing to work:
(Check all that apply.)
During what times are you available to work?
Are you willing to work:
(Check all that apply.)
For part-time applicants, please enter the shifts/hours you are available to work. Type in start time and stop time - be sure to include am or pm designation for each. Example: 6am - 3pm:
Weekly Schedule
When could you begin work?  (ex 01/01/00)*   
Are you at least 16 years old?
Are you at least 18 years old (19 in NE and AZ)?
Skills and Experience
Please list any special qualifications, training, education, skills, or experience that you feel warrant consideration by the company.
Please list any business equipment operating abilities you have which might be useful on the job for which you are applying.
Did you graduate from high school or earn a GED?* Yes
Name and location of college, university, business or trade school
Full-time or part-time Full-time
Major field of study
Degree conferred
Hours credit
Work Experience
Name of present or last employer
Type of business
Street Address
Dates of employment   To  
Starting salary
Leaving salary
Job title
Name of supervisor
Type of job
Explain reasons/circumstances for changing or wanting to change jobs (8000 characters max)
If we contact this employer, would you expect them to say they would rehire you for a position you last held there? Yes
If no, please explain (8000 characters max)
Employer's phone number  ex (999)999-9999
Name of employer prior to job above
Type of business
Street Address
Dates of employment  ex.(01/01/00)   To  
Starting salary
Leaving salary
Job title
Name of supervisor
Type of job
Explain reasons/circumstances for changing or wanting to change jobs (8000 characters max)
If we contact this employer, would you expect them to say they would rehire you for a position you last held there? Yes
If no, please explain (8000 characters max)
Employer's phone number ex (999) 999-9999
Name of employer prior to job above
Type of business
Street Address
Dates of employment ex (01/01/00)   To  
Starting salary
Leaving salary
Job title
Name of supervisor
Type of job
Explain reasons/circumstances for changing or wanting to change jobs (8000 characters max)
If we contact this employer, would you expect them to say they would rehire you for a position you last held there? Yes
If no, please explain (8000 characters max)
Employer's phone number ex(999) 999-9999
Have you ever been convicted of or pled 'No Contest' to a crime involving theft, dishonesty, violence, drugs, or endangerment of persons or property, whether resulting in incarceration, probation, or a suspended or deferred sentence?* Yes
Plead No Contest   
If Yes or No contest, date of conviction or plea ex (01/01/00)
Please explain (8000 characters max)
Conviction of a crime will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration for employment.
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